Monday, May 12, 2014

Donald Sterling's CNN interview only makes matters worse

2014-05-12 Donald Sterling

Instead of generating sympathy, Donald Sterling's half-hearted and rambling mea culpa only reminded NBA owners why he has to go.

Banned from the NBA for life for his vile and racist comments, Sterling's crime now is that he's bad for business. And that is every bit as deplorable to the other members of the NBA's Billionaire Boys Club as his hateful ignorance was to Commissioner Adam Silver, who kicked him out two weeks ago.

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Portions of the Los Angeles Clippers owner's interview with Anderson Cooper, which airs Monday night on CNN, show Sterling is almost pathetic in his delusions. He begged other owners to show him mercy for his "one mistake … after 35 years," glossing over his long – and documented – history of unsavory and offensive behavior.
Nancy Armour, USA TODAY Sports 7:32 p.m. EDT May 12, 2014

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