Saturday, August 2, 2014

Trade Winds Scatter a Roster of Champions

The Red Sox traded Jon Lester and Jonny Gomes to the Athletics for Yoenis Cespedes. Credit Jason O. Watson/Getty Images
BOSTON — The Boston Red Sox may accomplish something never done before in major league history. If they hold their current place in the American League East standings, they will be the first team ever to zig from last place to first place to last place across three seasons.

When the Red Sox gathered on Friday at Fenway Park, where their 2013 championship flag still flies above center field, Manager John Farrell insisted that their flurry of trades was all about this season.
“What I want to be careful of here is, this isn’t a development setting right now,” said Farrell, who addressed the players before the game about staying sharp for the final two months. “It’s still about us going out and winning. This isn’t a group of prospects that were brought in. These are established big leaguers.”
Some of them are, at least. The Red Sox, who are 49-60 after Friday’s 4-3 victory over the Yankees, added outfield thumpers in Yoenis Cespedes and Allen Craig. In Joe Kelly, they acquired the pitcher who would have started against them if there had been a seventh game of the World Series last fall.

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