Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Brennan: Adam Silver unprecedented — and perfect


The era of leniency and looking the other way in our professional sports world has met its match in new NBA Commissioner Adam Silver.

Banned for life? Now that's some serious punishment.

BANNED: Silver boots Sterling from NBA

REACTION: LeBron, others support Silver

Isn't it wonderful to see a 21st century commissioner throw the book at someone who deserves it?

In just his third month on the job, Silver did the absolute right thing Tuesday in banning Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling for life for his reprehensible racist comments that exploded across the news media since this past weekend.

The rookie commissioner kicked out the league's longest tenured owner – forever.

Not since Kenesaw Mountain Landis have we seen a commissioner in any sport debut in the public eye with such a bold stand. This clearly doesn't happen very often. Landis banned the Black Sox 94 years ago.
Christine Brennan, USA TODAY Sports 4:44 p.m. EDT April 29, 2014

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